Monday, December 21, 2015

Sweater Swag

Whenever I want to switch up my look at work I love a good button up or zippered sweater. Sometimes a sweater serves the same purpose as a suit coat or sport coat. A thick wool cardigan To make sure I don't look like Mr. Rodgers, I pair it with a patterned sweater that allows you to pick up the other colors for your tie or other accessories. A buttoned down collar works best because the worst thing is when the collar is trying to fly from under the shirt. This is a clean look. It should look neat and the tie could be worn loosely. 

#inth3d3tails #sweaterwithties 

Miss Universe & Steve Harvey

I am reading a lot of statuses and messages with people wishing or proclaiming the end of Steve Harvey's career because of his mistake in the Miss Universe contest. 

If you haven't seen it he mistakenly said the first runner up was the winner. After a mixup he clarified the winner at the complete embarrassment to everyone involved. The first runner up was extremely embarrassed. The actual winner was floored. It was a bad moment for live television. (Link to Video is Below) 

I suppose we have a right to dislike whoever we want but why wish the end of his shows upon him?  Some say because he has oversaturated his brand. How dare he have two television shows and a radio show? How dare he have a book telling women how to behave in a relationship with men? How dare he act like he knows it all?  Who does he think he is. Some messages even said he's a know it all and I'll be glad when he's off the airwaves. 

I say if that's how you feel you should worry less about Steve Harvey and his brand and worry about your own. We must truly ask ourselves why wish failure on someone? I said it before and I will say it again. Grace is something we all want for ourselves but forget to ask for it towards others. We can't be so mean spirited. Maybe those people who say that must have forgotten what is was like when they made a mistakes. We need to check ourselves sometime before someone else or something else does. 

Steve messed up but his mistake is a blessing for the show. There are more people talking about the Miss Universe then who were watching the show, including me, and giving the show and the contestants new life and coverage. Some of the greatest things came out of "mistakes". Ever heard of Viagra?  A big mistake turned into a hugely profitable product. Or do some research on Sir Richard Branson, JK Roland, Steve Jobs or Abraham Lincoln. These are all people who used failure to turn into more success. Push on Steve I hope this moment means you push even higher.

Ultimately we need to remember don't wonder about the splinter in someone else's eye when we have a 2x4 plank hanging out of our own. 

Watch the video here:

#steveharvey #missuniverse #mistakes #failure #success #inth3d3tails 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Not too hard. This Knot is Fancy!

When your looking to do something fancy, the desire to tie your tie differently seems like a simple answer. Then you actually try to tie that knot and find out it's not so simple. After many unsuccessful attempts at finishing the Eldridge Knot I gave up.

So I went looking for something that I could actually do. In my mind, if I could do it, then anyone could. So I found the trinity knot and trust me I think you can do this one! I have found that if you don't have a extra long tie, then you can cover up the fact that it's a little shorter then you wanted by wearing it with a vest or sweater. Check out the photo description of the Trinity Knot below. Let me know how you did with it. I have also included the instructions for the Eldridge, Trinity, & Cape Knots below. 

#inth3d3tails #mensfashion #ties #knots #trinityknot #dapper 

Trinity Knot