I've always thought the GOP was running the protect and cover play. Protect and cover meaning hide the ball carrier to trick the defense. Let me explain. I've never had much confidence that Donald Trump would actually be their nominee. Trump is playing the role they want and need. He's loud, rude, fiery, and crazy. Crazy like a fox. Before Trump begin making the absolutely outlandish statements about minorities, women, shooting people, and insulting the intelligence of citizens of Iowa the craziest rhetoric in the party was coming from Tea Party superstar Ted Cruz. He made so many divisive statements to get elected Senator that many people didn't think he was electable to a national office. His polling numbers were incredibly low. I don't think he is the actual likely candidate still. The more moderate and probably the most likely candidate on the GOP palate is actually the person I believe they are both providing the cover for. Marco Rubio.
Presidents and Candidates for the officers are supposed to be well versed in unity. They are supposed to be able to bring complex issues down to thimble of palatable medicine that both parties could swallow. Ultimately both parties realize that the ultimate goal is to win. Being far right or far left on the political spectrum is not the easiest path to White House.
Pay less attention to the bombastic rhetoric of Donald Trump and begin to do your homework on Senator Cruz and Senator Rubio. I believe as America takes a harder look at Trump he will slide away. Eventually Cruz will do the same. Rubio will be left standing and in comparison to the other two seem likable, young, fresh, and a great choice.
I implore you to don't let the lack of media attention around these two let you give your vote or well wishes to someone you really don't know. In Michigan we've seen this happen already. Very little was know about One Tough Nerd also know as Rick Snyder. Very little debates were held and he coasted into his first election with not a lot known about him. He posed as a moderate but his actions have been very much like a Tea Party Republican. Due diligence was not taken by many of the people hurt by his two terms. Snyder swept into office as a relative unknown. He's a pariah to the national GOP right now. The Flint Water Crisis is a human rights issue that was caused by the tea party ideas of reducing government spending and scaling back to reduce costs to the rich and businesses. Don't get it twisted though if your upset with this line of thinking then remember Snyder's principles are shared by Cruz and Rubio. Do your homework people. Vote like your life depends upon it because we know after the water crisis in Flint.....it does!