Saturday, January 2, 2016

10 Things to Make This Your Best Year.

I have seen a lot of posts on social media saying 2016 will be my year. Or this will be my best year. I think that's great but I without a roadmap or plan it won't happen. So here are my ideas and dream for me and those I know, work with, and share a community with to build a better world with better people in it. Starting with me first. Here's what I pledge to do:

1) Try to be analytical. Don't believe what we see about everyone and everything. Usually there is always more to the story then we know. Analyze the facts and see does this pass the smell test before believing everything we read or hear. 

2) Because we don't know the whole story then don't be so absolute on things. For example don't assume we have all the facts on any pop culture event or news story and automatically call for the most extreme punishment for the accused. 

3) Find several worthwhile charities and commit our time and money to them. Many of the institutions around us are struggling because society is becoming more individualistic. Like my old coach use to tell me....It's the we....not the me! 

4) Continue our education. Doesn't matter if you have completed high school or your Phd. there is no reason to stop learning. If you have more educational goals keep pursuing them to completion. Reading a book or two helps immensely with that goal. Or take a class occasionally. Either you keep learning or your comfortable you know it all. 

5) Figure out how to save more money then you spend. Lots of people are making a lot of money off our inability to have more money saved. Buy less things. Most of what we buy aren't things we you need but what we want. Look at your home the odds are you have plenty already. Commit to giving away two things for every one new thing you buy. Declutter your life and increase your bank accounts.  

6) Pick out a few people and be a great, loyal, listening friend to them. It would be really great if this is someone not in your immediate family. Hear their words without judging or trying to fix them. Just listen. Be as loyal to them as your dog is to you! Don't have a dog? Well just imagine Snoopy and how he always stuck by Charlie Brown! 

7) Commit to a physical health goal. Maybe it's walking. Maybe it's running. Maybe it's bike riding. Maybe it's just a few sit-ups or arm curls. Maybe it's a half or full marathon, but whatever you decide know you can't be a better person by doing nothing. Everyone can do something. Find that something and commit to a regular schedule. 

8) Discover your passions. We spend so much time doing what we have to do to earn a living. What we have to do to raise our families. What we have to do for church, or sororities/fraternities, or for some other purpose, but at some point this year we must spend some time doing what we want to do. That might be bowling, golfing, writing, painting, drawing, dancing, teaching, gardening, or whatever else that's planted at the epicenter of your soul....just do it. Otherwise none of the other things we have to do will have as much joy and energy as we need because there's no time to do what our soul is crying out for. 

9) Use the lens of love to view our lives and interaction with others. We too often are harsher then perhaps is necessary when we use the sanctimonious high minded judgmental attitude that we ALL have somewhere inside of us. Instead chop all of that grandeur down and think about how you would handle the situation if it was your loved one before we act, think, type, or do what we were going to do. 

10) Spend some quiet time every morning listening. If you have a spiritual relationship I implore you to focus on that time to further groom and grow and listen. If you don't then spend that time analyzing yourself. (you probably need too) 😬 I'm impressed with the fact that in the bible that Jesus with all of his majesty and glory still needed to do this and he was Jesus. So I'm pretty sure we can all benefit from it too. 

#2016 #happynewyear #inth3d3tails #betterworld #betterlife #maninthemirror

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